Art & Design

Cyano Ceremony

CYANO CEREMONY is a new structure for natural burial with invited moments of interaction. Its design is aligned deeper with the values that dictate our lives--with beauty and the environment in mind.

Ropes lower loved ones into the ground in simply a shroud to connect the body closer to the earth for natural decomposition. The frame stays above ground and is reused for more burials.

Proximity To Death

Proximity To Death

For most of human history and in many parts of the world death practices involved family, culture and ritual.

Our proximity to death in the U.S. once represented these values too. We would usually die at home instead of hospitals meaning families were in charge of washing, dressing, and burying the body. Now we pass these responsibilities over to death professionals which happens out of sight.

Return To Earth

Return To Earth

Burial objects on the market are often made out of materials that are harmful for our environment and do more to preserve our bodies rather than let us become part of our natural environment.

How It Works

How It Works

CYANO CEREMONY is designed to be intuitive and at every step of the burial process inviting loved ones to participate in the burial ceremony.

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CYANO CEREMONY is a reminder that we have some agency over how we leave the earth. We shouldn’t rob ourselves from how beautiful the death experience can actually be and I hope through thoughtful design we can make more profound meaning of our one and only moment to die.

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